16. Evaluating the Lung Cancer Screening Eligibility of Patients Undergoing Lung Cancer Operations: An Analysis of the Southern Community Cohort Study

*Sandra Starnes Invited Discussant
University of Cincinnati Medical Center
Cincinnati, OH 
United States
 - Contact Me


Dr. Starnes is a Professor of Srugery and tthe John B. Flege Chair of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the University of Cincinnati  She is also the Program Director for the Integrated Thoracic Surgery Residency. 

She is a general thoracic surgeon wtih expertise in thoracic malignancies, including lung cancer, esophageal cancer and mediastinal tumors, with a focus on minimally-invasive and complex thoracic procedures. She is the Director of the University of Cincinnati Lung Cancer Center. 

She has been active in multiple national organizations. She has served as President of the Thoracic Surgey Directors Assocation. She has been a quest examiner for the American Board of Thoracic Surgery since 2013 and currently serves on the Thoracic Surgery Residency Review Committee. 


Alexandra Potter Abstract Presenter
University of California, Berkeley
Wellesley, MA 
United States
 - Contact Me

Alexandra Potter is a research assistant at Masshachusetts General Hospital. Her research focus is in the field of thoracic oncology, with a specific focus on lung cancer screening.

Saturday, May 6, 2023: 8:00 AM - 8:15 AM
15 Minutes 
Los Angeles Convention Center 
Room: 408A 

Presentation Duration

7 minute presentation; 7 minute discussion 

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