19. Association of Air Quality with Incidence of Lung Cancer in a Large Urban/Suburban County

*Harvey Pass Invited Discussant
Tisch Hospital and Kimmel Pavilion
New York, NY 
United States
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Harvey I.  Pass, M.D. is the Stephen E. Banner Professor of Thoracic Oncology and Vice Chair for Research for the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the NYU Langone Medical Center and Professor, Department of Surgery.   Dr. Pass was Chief of Thoracic Oncology for the Surgery Branch, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda (1986-1996) and for the Karmanos Cancer Institute Detroit Michigan (1996-2005). Dr. Pass is an AOA member and has received the NIH Directors Award, the Wagner Medallion from the International Mesothelioma Interest Group, the Landon Research Award from the American Association for Cancer Research, the Pioneer Award from the Mesothelioma Foundation, the International Association for Lung Cancer Merit Award, and the AACR-Johnson & Johnson Lung Cancer Innovation MD Anderson/NYU Science Grants. Dr. Pass has published over 660 peer-reviewed papers, and edited 14 books including four editions of Lung Cancer: Principles and Practice and 2 editions of IASLC Thoracic Oncology. He has been continuously funded by either the NCI, DOD, CDC and other agencies since 1998 for the study of lung cancer and mesothelioma. His present interests include the development of blood based biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis of thoracic malignancies.


Hollis Hutchings Abstract Presenter
Henry Ford Hospital
Berkley, MI 
United States
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Hollis Hutchings is a pediatric surgical critical care fellow at Children's Hospital of Michigan in Detroit, MI. Prior to her fellowship, she completed a 1 year clinical research fellowship focused on lung cancer outcomes research under the direction of Dr. Ikenna Okereke. Following her critical care fellowship, she will complete her surgical residency at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, MI. She looks forward to pursuing a career in general thoracic surgery in the future.

Saturday, May 6, 2023: 9:00 AM - 9:15 AM
15 Minutes 
Los Angeles Convention Center 
Room: 408A 

Presentation Duration

7 minute presentation; 7 minute discussion 

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