Create A Profile

Use the form below to create a profile that will be used for submission for any abstract on which you are an author. After creating this profile, you will receive an email with your username and password. Use these credentials to sign in and submit an abstract.

Indicating Your Primary Institution: Use the dropdown to find your primary institution by entering any part of the name or location. Do not paste the full institution name in the search field. If the institution does not appear in the list, select Other in the dropdown and add the institution’s name in the Other box. Select from the list whenever possible. Your Primary Institution is the entity that provides you with the largest portion of your income and benefits. Do not include Department, Division, or School names.

Please add and to your email account’s safe senders list so you do not miss important communications about CROI. Please check your spam/junk folders if you do not receive the email in your inbox.

* - indicates a required item.
Contact Information
Additional Information
The information below is collected for demographic purposes only, and is not used in making decisions about the disposition of abstract or scholarship submissions.
This form collects name, email address and other contact information so we can contact you about the status of your submission and so our support team can communicate and provide essential assistance. Please check our Privacy Policy to see how we protect and manage submitted data. If you have created this form on behalf of someone else, checking below verifies that you have obtained the individual’s consent to having this contact information collected AND you have verified that all contact information (especially the email address) is correct.