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>> All Audience Options
Pre-K to 2 (21)
3 to 5 (51)
6 to 8 (43)
8 to 10 (39)
10 to 12 (35)
Coaches/Leaders/Teacher Educators (37)
General Interest (37)
>> All Session Content Level Options
Introduction to the Topic (155)
Intermediate (97)
In-Depth (11)
>> All Strands Options
Augmenting Your Instructional Playbook: Unveiling the Impact of Effective Teaching Practices (87)
Enhancing Your Instructional Playbook: Maximizing Learning Through Technology Integration (39)
Expanding Your Instructional Playbook: Cultivating Teacher and Student Content Knowledge (56)
Strengthening Your Instructional Playbook: Establishing Equitable Learning Communities (49)
Transforming Your Instructional Playbook: Reimagining Your Classroom Assessment Practices (27)
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Exhibitor Workshop
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